”Working as a truck driver at Axess Logistics is the coolest job in the world and the best I´ve had. It is no secret that female truck drivers sometimes are met with surprise from our customers, but usually in a good way. However, there should be more women choosing to become truck drivers. The best thing about the job is to see when the sun goes up and down. I like to drive during the day because then I get a good relationship with the customers and I become the “Axess Logistics´s face” to the outside world. But the best thing about the job is my colleagues, both on the road and in the office. I want to act as an ambassador for more women in the driver´s seat and be a good role model for young people who choose vocational training and convince them that truck drivers are the coolest people. The biggest misconception is that we sit behind the wheel all day, but the truth is that when the day is over, we have usually taken more steps than those who set a goal to reach those 10 000 steps a day.”
Natalia, 25, Denmark